Insolvency's in Fashion: An Overview of CVA's in the Property Sector

By LBF2019 (other events)

Wednesday, October 30 2019 8:00 AM 10:30 AM GMT

This event will explore the current hot topic of CVA's in the property sector and in particular their current impact on major retail brands.  The speakers of the event will discuss the issues from several different perspectives, including transactional property, property disputes, and insolvency.

Topics and conversations will be guided by the speakers, however questions and challenges will be encouraged from the audience

This event will be useful for landlords and property owners, property and letting agents. Attendees will gain a better understanding of how CVA's work, and are effecting the property sector, along with practical implications that may concern them.


Confirmed Speakers

Confirmed Speakers

Ben Darlow - Commercial Real Estate

Sean Moran – Insolvency



8am arrival and registration

8.30am Breakfast and networking

9am Seminar delivery and Q&A

10am Optional additional networking

10.30am Close

Mailing Address

Leicester Business Festival CIC, Friars Mill, Bath Lane, Leicester, LE3 5BJ